
Upcoming Training Opportunities

Level 1 Workshop

This workshop will provide participants with tools, knowledge, and some expertise on how to assist clients with trauma and understand how trauma impacts the healing process. Research supports that knowledge of Trauma Informed Practice (TIP) is critical to helping clients move through barriers to healing. The Level 1 training includes how embodied emotion and trauma memory is stored in the body and ways it can be released. The workshop provides both didactic and experiential exercises to facilitate deeper integration of knowledge. Find out more...

Level 2 Workshop

This workshop builds on the knowledge acquired during Level 1 regarding Trauma Informed Practice (TIP). This experiential workshop focuses primarily on the acquisition and demonstration of skills and techniques that adhere to TIP indicators which assist clients in their healing process. Find out more...

Level 3 Workshop

This four-hour workshop provides participants an opportunity to practice, receive supervision and feedback regarding learning Experiential Unity model. It will include group discussion, break- out sessions and individual feedback when needed. Participants will consolidate their learning regarding mindfulness practice and engaging the body, metaphor development and clearing techniques to release trauma. Find out more...

Out Now

Heal Trauma
By Alyson Quinn
Hamilton Books (2023)